Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
Adjunct Professor in the Computer Science Department of Bocconi University.
Personal website: https://www.poirrier.ca/
Research interests
I work on the computational aspects of discrete optimization. I am also broadly interested in all topics that are relevant to the implementation of fast optimization algorithms, including linear algebra, combinatorics and numerical analysis.
Selected Publications
K. Pashkovich; L. Poirrier; H. Pulyassary
The Aggregation Closure is Polyhedral for Packing and Covering Integer Programs
Mathematical Programming, 195(1):1135-1147, 2022, 2019
The Aggregation Closure is Polyhedral for Packing and Covering Integer Programs
Mathematical Programming, 195(1):1135-1147, 2022, 2019
R. Fukasawa; L. Poirrier
Permutations in the Factorization of Simplex Bases
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 31(3):612-632, 2019
Permutations in the Factorization of Simplex Bases
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 31(3):612-632, 2019
R. Fukasawa; L. Poirrier; A. S. Xavier
The (not so) Trivial Lifting in Two Dimensions
Mathematical Programming Computation, 11(2):211-235, 2019
The (not so) Trivial Lifting in Two Dimensions
Mathematical Programming Computation, 11(2):211-235, 2019
R. Fukasawa; L. Poirrier
Numerically safe lower bounds for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
INFORMS Journal on Computing. 29(3):544-557, 2017
Numerically safe lower bounds for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
INFORMS Journal on Computing. 29(3):544-557, 2017