Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

My field of research is theoretical philosophy, according to the phenomenological approach. Currently, I am Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics. I was Professor of Introduction to Philosophy (2001-2007); Philosophical Hermeneutics (1995-2004); Methodology of Human Sciences (1994-95); Logic and Philosophy of Science (1983-1995). I am scientific director of the international journal “eudia — Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art” (, and of the international research project "ScienzaNuova" (


I am also member of Società Italiana di Filosofia Teoretica , of Societé Française de Philosophie, of Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien, Meran, and of Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft.

Research interests

My research interests lie in the areas of Epistemology, Metaphysics and Ontology; Greek philosophy; Logic; Philosophy of Time, Philosophy of Art; Italian and English Philosophical Lexicon.

In particular, I am interested in the dialogue between phenomenological philosophy and theoretical physics on the question of time and space. In this context, the problem of the difference between space-time understood in a strictly physical sense and space and time understood in artistic creation is relevant. This also raises the question of the meaning of truth: how can the relationship between 'physical truth' and 'artistic truth' be understood? And what are the consequences for the philosophy of art and artistic ethics?   

Selected Publications

Zaccaria, Gino
Meditazioni scismatiche : il nulla e il tempo, l'infinito e l'arte
Firenze, Olschki, 2022

Zaccaria, Gino
Time and value
Academic freedom in the European context: legal, philosophical and institutional perspectives, London Palgrave Macmillan, 2022

Zaccaria Gino
The enigma of art. On the provenance of artistic creation
Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2021

Zaccaria, Gino
Il pudore di Cézanne : verso l'arte della castità
FASIS, 6, Inschibbolet, 2021

Zaccaria, Gino
L'idillio della lingua madre. "L'infinito" di Leopardi
EUDIA, year 13, 2019

Gino Zaccaria
Ontologia dell’infinito (da Aristotele ad Anassimandro — verso Leopardi)
EUDIA, year 13, 2019

Gino Zaccaria
Was ist das — der Mensch?
EUDIA, year 13, 2019

Zaccaria, Gino
Gli inizi del tempo (Sofocle, Aristotele)
EUDIA, year 12, 2018

De Gennaro, Ivo; Zaccaria, Gino
The fiction of peer review. Phenomenology of a catatrophe
EUDIA, year 12, 2018

Carfora, Mauro; Zaccaria, Gino
Sul tempo (tra fisica e filosofia)
EUDIA, year 12, 2018

Zaccaria, Gino
Spazio tempo luce. Il Futurismo di Boccioni
Kunst im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert: zwischen Klassizismus und Moderne, zwischen privatem und öffentlichem raum, Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2017

Zaccaria, Gino
La spaziosità dell'arte (Zeus Atena Eracle)
EUDIA, year 11, 2017

Zaccaria, Gino Secondo
Pensare il nulla: Leopardi, Heidegger
Pavia: Ibis, IV ed., 2015

Zaccaria, Gino Secondo
La provenienza dell'arte. Atena e l'enigma
Pavia: Ibis, 2014