Courses a.y. 2024/2025
I have tought, in various universities, in Europe and the US, among other things: Administrative law, EU law, Comparative administrative law, Global legal pluralism, Public finances
At Bocconi, I am currently teaching: a) Italian and European Administrative Law; b) Global Administrative Law
Biographical note
Education: I have a PhD in European law from the European University Institute (1994) and a law degree from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (1989)
Academic position: I am a full professor of Administrative Law since 2001, and teach at Bocconi since September 2018.
Awards and Honors: In 2016 I have been awarded an advanced grant by the European Research Council for the research project on “The Common Core of European Administrative Laws”, for a period of five years. In 2018, I have received the first prize in the Spinelli Outreach Prize, for the work concerning the codification of administrative procedures published by ReNEUAL.
I am currently visiting professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris – 2 and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Research interests
I am a public lawyer, with research interests spanning both administrative law, European Union law and global administrative law, with specific focus on three areas: the comparative law of administrative procedures, the general principles of law, and budgetary issues.
In the last six years, my research work has focused on the comparative research concerning “The Common Core of European Administrative Laws”, which combines both diachronic and synchronic comparison, with specific regard to various issues related to administrative procedures, including the fundamental requirements of due process, how they impinge on the administrative limitations of private property, and the judicial standards of procedural fairness and propriety.
A related, but distinct, research project, which is being elaborated with prof. Alec Stone Sweet and prof. Mads Andenas, concerns the development of general principles across various global regulatory regimes
Selected Publications
Due process of law beyond the state : requirements of administrative procedure
The common core of european administrative laws: a framework for analysis
Differentiated integration in Europe aafter Brexit: an institutional analysis
Brexit and the future of EU politics: a constitutional law perspective, 2019
EU Executive Governance: Agencies and Procedures
Giappichelli, 2020
Tort Liability of Public Authorities in European Laws
Oxford, OUP, 2020
Administrative Justice: Fin de Siècle. Early Judicial Standards of Administrative Conduct in Europe (1980-1910)
Oxford, OUP, 2021