Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I am an Associate Professor in the Accounting Department at Bocconi University. I received a B.A. from Bocconi University, a PhD in Economics from the University of Padova, and a postdoc in Accounting at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. My research focuses on executive compensation, incentive contracting, and corporate governance. Before joining Bocconi, I was on the faculty at London Business School (as assistant professor -2007 to 2016- and adjunct associate professor -2016 to 2022) and held visiting lecturer positions at Cambridge Judge Business School, Imperial College London and Cass Business School.
My research has been presented at numerous universities and accounting conferences, featured in various media and academic blogs, and published in leading academic journals such as the Accounting Review, Management Science, and Contemporary Accounting Research. Media mentions include The Guardian, The BBC, Barron’s, The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, and The Columbia Law School’s Blue Sky Blog on Corporate Governance. I am member of the American Accounting Association (AAA) and the European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and regularly serve as ad-hoc reviewer for top academic journals.
Research interests
Incentive Contracting, Executive Compensation, Corporate Governance.
Selected Publications
Corporate diversification and the cost of debt: the role of segment disclosures
ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 91(4): 1139-1165, 2016
Determinants and trading performance of equity deferrals by corporate outside directors
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 63(1): 114-138, 2017
Executive gender pay gaps: the roles of female risk aversion and board representation
Matching premiums in the executive labor market
ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 94(6): 4-28, 2019
Executive deferral plans and insider trading
CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 39(2): 1054-1084, 2022, 2021