Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I have a Master Degree in Mathematics (University of Milan, 1989). I have been teaching Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Programming at undergraduate and graduate level since 1990 at Politecnico of Milan and from 2000 at Università Bocconi.
At Bocconi I coordinated the development and the research activities in the field of technology enhanced learning and from September 2013 to September 2016 I have been Lab Manager at BELSS, Bocconi Experimental Laboratory for the Social Sciences. From 2016 until 2022 I have been assistant to the director of the BEMACS program.
I moved to the Computer Science Department in 2022 and since then I have been assistant to the director of the Master in Artificial Intelligence program.
I published an introduction to the LaTeX typesetting system at
Selected Publications
Little Italy: An Agent-Based Approach to the Estimation of Contact Patterns- Fitting Predicted Matrices to Serological Data