Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

I am a researcher at Bocconi, where I teach Macroeconomics and Economic Prospects. I am Head of the Latin America Program at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). My research interests focus on the economics of Latin America, and the economic relations between the EU and Latin America. I collaborate with public and business institutions in Italy. In 2011 I received an official award for having favored the strengthening of Italian-Latin American relations from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I hold a Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Economiche (Italian Ph.D equivalent in Economics) from the Catholic University of Milan, and a MSc in Economics of Latin America from the University of London, UK.

Selected Publications

Mori, Antonella
L’America Latina e l’Unione Europea
Europa. Tra presente e futuro, 2023

Mori, Antonella
L'impatto della competizione tra Stati Uniti e Cina sul regionalismo latinoamericano
Periferia contesa? La competizione tra Stati Uniti e Cina in America Latina, 2023

Mori, Antonella
Il ritorno della sinistra in America Latina
Ritorno al futuro : rapporto ISPI 2023, 2023

Bonalumi, Gilberto; Mori, Antonella
Le prime quattro Conferenze
Italia e America Latina : storia di una idea di politica estera, Donzelli Editore, 2021

Antonella Mori
La svolta del Brasile
America Latina : le sfide del 21. secolo : verso il terzo decennio, Rubbettino Università, 2020

Antonella Mori
Latin America and the new global order : dangers and opportunities in a multipolar world
Ledizioni Ledi Publishing, March, 2020

Mori, Antonella
EU and Latin America : a stronger partnership?
ISPI Report, 18 December, 2018