Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I was born in Hungary in 1979. I graduated in an IB school in Canada (L.B. Pearson UWC). I obtained and MPhil (2007) and a PhD (2010) from the University of Oxford. I was Junior Fellow at Collegium Budapest Institute for Advanced Study, postdoctoral researcher at Groningen University, and Assistant Professor at the LSE. I was appointed Assistant Professor of Economic History at Bocconi in 2014, Associate Professor in 2019. I am a CEPR Research Fellow and elected trustee of the European Historical Economics Society. I am principal investigator of an ERC Horizon 2020 Starting Grant project.
I am Associate Professor of Economic History in the Department of Social and Political Sciences and member of the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy. I am Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research and an elected trustee of the European Historical Economics Society. I am the principal investigator of the ERC Horizon 2020 project SpoilsofWAR, which examines the consequences of the Habsburg Empire and World War I on regional economic development in Central Europe.
Research interests
I am an historian of economic growth and an economic historian of war. I wrote extensively on the impact of the Second World War on postwar economic growth in Europe. My monograph on The Economic Consequences of the War: West Germany’s Growth Miracle after 1945 was published by Cambridge University Press in 2018. I published two articles in the Economic History Review on the comparative performance of socialist economies in Eastern Europe. I co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Economic Surveys on historical growth accounting in a global perspective. In my ERC project, we investigate the legacies of the Habsburg Empire and the First World War on regional economic development, industrial concentration, and living standards in Central Europe in the early twentieth century.
Selected Publications
Accounting for growth in history
JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, vol. 35, 3, pp. 655-69, 2021
Economic growth and sectoral developments, 1945-1989
The economic history of Central, East and South-East Europe : 1800 to the present, London: Routledge, 2021
Economic policy under state socialism, 1945-1989
The economic history of Central, East and South-East Europe : 1800 to the present, London: Routledge, 2021
Why did socialist economies fail? The role of factor inputs reconsidered
ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, vol. 72, 1, pp. 317-45, 2019
The economic consequences of the war: West Germany's growth miracle after 1945
Cambridge University Press, 2018
War and socialism: why eastern Europe fell behind between 1950 and 1989
ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, vol. 70, 1, pp. 248-74, 2017
How peripheral was the periphery? Industrialization in East Central Europe since 1870
The spread of modern industry to the periphery since 1871, Oxford University Press, 2017
The roots of economic failure: what explains East Germany's falling behind between 1945 and 1950?
EUROPEAN REVIEW OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, vol. 18, 2, pp. 166-84, 2014
The bombing of Germany: the economic geography of war-induced dislocation in West German industry
EUROPEAN REVIEW OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, vol. 16, 1, pp. 97-118, 2012
Post-war reconstruction and the Golden Age of economic growth
EUROPEAN REVIEW OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, vol. 12, 2, pp. 221-41, 2008