Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

Before joining the Finance Department at Bocconi University in 2024, I obtained my PhD from the University of Bonn and was a visiting PhD student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. I completed graduate and undergraduate studies in Economics at Universities in Bonn, Stockholm, Kiel and Berlin.

Research interests

My research interests lie in corporate finance and macroeconomics. For example, I have studied institutions governing the resolution of corporate debt crises and their broader economic ramifications.

Selected Publications

Martin Kornejew; Chen Lian; Yueran Ma; Pablo Ottonello; Diego Perez
Bankruptcy resolution and credit cycles
NBER Macroeconomics Annual, Vol. 39, 2024

Òscar Jordà; Martin Kornejew; Moritz Schularick; Alan M. Talylor
Zombies at large? Corporate debt overhang and the macroeconomy
Review of Financial Studies, 2022