Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

My name is Marco Molteni, and I am an Adjunct Professor in Economic History at Bocconi University. I am also a Research Fellow in Financial History at the Geneva Graduate Institute, and a Research Associate of the History Faculty at the University of Oxford, where I obtained my DPhil (PhD) in Economic and Social History in 2021. I specialise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. My main areas of expertise are financial history and Italian economic history. My educational goal is to explain complex phenomena in simple terms to make them accessible to non-experts without losing scientific rigour. 

Selected Publications

Kisling, W., Molteni, M. (2024) The London money market and non-British bank lending during the first globalisation: evidence from Brazil. Cliometrica.

Molteni, M. (2024), ʻ Competition, over-branching and bank failures during the Great Depression: new evidence from Italyʼ. Economic History Review. pp. 1–35.

Molteni M. (2024). Credit expansion, leverage, and banking distress: the puzzle of interwar Italy, European Review of Economic History, Volume 28, Issue 1, February, Pages 1–27,

Molteni, M., & Pellegrino, D. (2022). The establishment of banking supervision in Italy: an assessment (1926–1936). Business History, 1–29.

Molteni M. (2020). Measuring Bank Failures in Interwar Italy: Sources and Methods for a Comparative Account, on "Rivista di storia economica, Italian Review of Economic History", 3, pp. 345-398, doi: 10.1410/100487