Courses a.y. 2023/2024

Biographical note

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance at Bocconi University. My research interests cover a wide range of topics in financial economics. I hold a Master’s Degree from the HEC School of Management and a Ph.D. from the Toulouse School of Economics.

Research interests

My research interests include corporate finance, production networks, and international trade.

Working papers

Sauvagnat, Julien; Schivardi, Fabiano
Are Executives in Short Supply? Evidence from Deaths’ Events
Review of Economic Studies, Revise and Resubmit

Sauvagnat, Julien; Barrot, Jean-Noël; Martin, Thorsten; Vallée, Boris
The Labor Market Effects of Loan Guarantee Programs

Sauvagnat, Julien; Barrot, Jean-Noël; Grassi, Basile
Costs and Benefits of Closing Businesses in a Pandemic

Sauvagnat, Julien; De Marco, Filippo; Sette, Enrico
Lending to Optimistic Firms

Sauvagnat, Julien; Iovino, Luigi; Martin, Thorsten
Corporate Taxation and Carbon Emissions

Sauvagnat, Julien; Vallée, Boris
The Costs of Public Financial Distress: Evidence from the Toxic Loan Crisis

Selected Publications

Julien Sauvagnat; Jean-Noel Barrot; Erik Loualiche; Matthew C. Plosser
Import Competition and Household Debt
Journal of Finance, Forthcoming

Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Sauvagnat, Julien
Electoral competition, voter bias, and women in politics
Journal of the European Economic Association, Forthcoming

Barrot, Jean-Noël; Grassi, Basile; Sauvagnat, Julien
Sectoral effects of social distancing
AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2021

Grassi, Basile; Sauvagnat, Julien
Production networks and economic policy
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2019

Jean-Noel Barrot; Erik Loualiche; Julien Sauvagnat
The globalization risk premium
The Journal of Finance, 2019

Pouget, Sebastien; Sauvagnat, Julien; Villeneuve, Stephane
A mind is a terrible thing to change: confirmatory bias in financial markets
The Review of Financial Studies, 2017

Barrot, Jean Noël; Sauvagnat, Julien
Input specificity and the propagation of idiosyncratic shocks in production networks
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016

Sauvagnat, Julien
Prosecution and leniency programs: the role of bluffing in opening investigations
Journal of Industrial Economics, 2015

Sauvagnat, Julien
Are leniency programs too generous?
Economics Letters, 2014

Gabaix, Xavier; Landier, Augustin; Sauvagnat, Julien
CEO pay and firm size: an update after the crisis
Economic Journal, 2014

Landier, Augustin; Sauvagnat, Julien; Sraer, David; Thesmar, David
Bottom-up corporate governance
Review of Finance, 2013